About Us

At INFO-REVIEW.COM we help our thousands of daily readers make smart choices when it comes to choosing the latest tech. We're a leading product review and comparison site that's lucky to have some of the most established and talented tech experts on our team, who know what's needed when it comes to great products they can recommend.

We have gathered a global team of some of the best tech journalists on the planet, who are not only specialists in their subject, but are the same people write our reviews for those who want to learn about and engage with the latest and best technology.

Our expert reviewers love technology and want you to love it too. If it's garbage, we'll warn you not to buy it. If a product doesn't meet our evaluation criteria, we'll tell you why.

We pick products for review based on what we believe our readership wants to know.

We pride ourselves on our independence and rigorous review & testing procedures.

We rate products on a number of criteria based on specific attributes of the product type.

We employ a familiar five-star rating system so as to keep things recognizable and simple: the more stars, the better.